Sunday 19 September 2010

Friday 17th September 9:15 - 1:15

Today in Andy's session we looked at the Top 100 most visited websites and this was quite interesting as some of the websites weren't as popular as you would think. Also we shared general additional websites amongst the class which will be helpful for me in the future. The most useful website which was shared by a student was;

As part of my research from Andy's lesson I decided to find some more useful websites which will help with designing my DVD menu and designing my film poster.

Here are some websites which I found;

In Simon's session I explored different ways of using Photoshop to add special effects and make my mood board look more stylish. To help me to do this I went on the internet to find some tutorials which would help me produce better work. I also used a media book called  .......   to find some interesting texts and images, to help me design my film poster.  Here are some images which I edited in Photoshop which I have tagged to this post;

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